Asked in an interview whether he believed in the existence of God, Carl Jung said, “I don’t believe – I know.”  When I first read this quotation years ago, Jung’s distinction between believing and knowing was rather lost on me.   I even thought Jung’s declaration seemed a bit arrogant.  Other people believed, but he knew?  I thought to myself.  Isn’t that a bit of an ego trip?

Today I think Jung was only speaking matter-of-factly about his spiritual experience.  You might wonder how I arrived at such a different conclusion.  My previous point of view was radically revised on a January day in the depths of mid-western winter, when I had been expecting more of the same: snow, ice and gray skies.   But when I lay down on my living room carpet to relax with music, I had an experience which changed my life.  Inexplicably, a vision of a radiant and beneficent female presence appeared.

I was so bemused by this occurrence that I searched for any knowledge I could find about whether other people had such experiences.  This led into subjects like depth psychology, transpersonal psychology, mysticism, and shamanism.   My vision was only the beginning of a journey I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams.  In fact that vision and what followed was so compelling that I eventually wrote a book, Conversations with the Goddess: Encounter at Petra, Place of Power.

I engaged in a lengthy dialogue with that feminine Presence, which swiftly evolved  from my personal story into a universal story about the role of the sacred Feminine in the future and in the ancient past, revealing a panoramic view of a time in which the Goddess was revered not only at Petra but also throughout the ancient world.   Her story became a multiplicity of strands which she deftly wove together, creating a tapestry that spans immense time frames in earth’s evolution.

Since that day I saw the Goddess, interest in the Divine Feminine has become international, validating what the feminine Presence told me long ago: the beginning of a new planetary cycle is in place, in which the Feminine is re-emerging, and this will change our lives.

Since I began this article with a quote from Carl Jung, It seems fitting to conclude this article with mention of a prediction he made: what is repressed must eventually find expression.  The Divine Feminine is seeking expression now.  The evidence is all around us.

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